The Golden City Prague is the loved "Pearl of Europe". The stunning conurbation of Prague is the means of the Czech Republic. The former income of Czechoslovakia, Prague is the largest urban of the Czech Republic sited in the western component of the country, on both sir joseph banks of the Vltava River in important Bohemia.

Prague is widely regarded as one of the record stunning cities in the international. The superior conurbation of Prague has earned a numeral of pretty nicknames specified as the"city of a c spires," "the Left Bank of the Nineties," the "mother of cities," and "the hunch of Europe."

Prague is the dear of tourists. It's one of the best common tourer destinations in the world. The metropolis attracts volumes of tourists all year. Prague is a mint vacation end for artistic connoisseur. The metropolitan offers imperial old buildings, intriguing castles, gorgeous murals, sightly churches, and the furthermost pure architectures travel from Art Nouveau to Baroque, Renaissance, Cubist, Gothic, and Neo-Classical And Ultra-Modern.

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Prague is domicile to many world colloquium museums and art galleries. The urban offers one of the top-quality museums and galleries in the Europe. Some of the museums and galleries of Prague are timetabled to a lower place.

National Museum: Founded by Kaspar Maria Sternberk in Prague in 1818, the National Museum is aggregation of Prehistory of Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia, collections of rocks and minerals, paleontology, zoology, social science. The depository shelters almost 14 a million of items from the borough of automatic history, history, arts, music and position.

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Naprstek Museum: Founded by Vojta Náprstek (1826-1894), the Naprstek Museum is part of the Prague National Museum. It's the museum of Asian, African and American art in the town of Prague.

Lobkowitz Palace (Lobkovický palác): The depository offers the biggest exposition on the history of the Czech lands (4th period BC - mid-19th century).

Lapidarium (Lapidárium): The deposit exhibits Czech seed sculptures of the 11th - 19th period. The valuable resourceful sculptures are collected from their former locations all through Prague, plus productive statues from the Charles Bridge.

Antonín Dvo?ák Museum (Muzeum Antonína Dvo?áka): The museum features the life and trade of composer Antonín Dvo?ák.

Bed?ich Smetana Museum (Muzeum Bed?icha Smetany): The deposit features life span and trade of musician Bed?ich Smetana.

Museum of Decorative Arts (Um?leckopr?myslové muzeum): The repository offers the exhibition of textiles, fashion, applied graphic, photography, glass, ceramics, metal, etc.

The City of Prague Museum (Muzeum hlavního m?sta Prahy): The deposit features the yore of Prague from primeval contemporary world to present.

Sternberg Palace (Sternberský Palác): The gallery exhibits the European art from past nowadays to the end of Baroque, with prominence on the 14th-18th centuries.

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St. George's Convent (Kláster sv. Jií): The audience features Czech Baroque fine art of the 17th and 18th century, plus Mannerism artists of the hearing of Rudolf II.

Museums and galleries of Prague are too many an and can't be discussed in fact in a unattached article. Other Museums and galleries of Prague are of late mentioned below:

Prague Museums: National Technical Museum (Národní technické muzeum), Prague Public Transport Museum, Mozart Museum, Mucha Museum (Muchovo muzeum), Military Museum of Prague (Vojensky Historicky Ustav), and Heydrichiad Museum.

Prague Galleries: Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia (Kláster sv. Anesky Seské), Trade Fair Palace - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Veletrní palác - Muzeum moderního a souasného um?ní), Kinský Palace (Palác Kinských), Zbraslav Chateau (Zámek Zbraslav), Zbraslav Chateau (Zámek Zbraslav), House at the Black Madonna (Dm U erné Matky Boí), House at the Golden Ring (Dam U zlatého prstenu), Trója Chateau (Trojský zámek), The Bílek Villa (Bílkova vila), House at the Stone Bell (Dam U kamenného zvonu), Old Town Hall (Staromstská radnice), and Strahov Picture Gallery (Strahovská obrazárna).


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