Retirement. As a "baby boomer," It is so close. But I don't have enough money to retire in the style I want. I don't want to set around watching television waiting for the nursing home or death. I want to do all the things I haven't had enough time to do along the way.

I want to splurge on the grandkids. Take them places and do things with them. I want my wife and I to take a cruise each year to new places. I want us to be able to stretch out on the beaches of Hawaii and explore Volcanoes. I want my second childhood to be better than my first.

I want to take a cross-country train with a private cabin and a real dining car. I want snow on the ground two feet deep while I enjoy the view from in front of my fireplace or in my heated greenhouse. I want to be one Baby Boomer who is contributing to society instead of draining it.

No, when I retire, I want to do it in style. I want my retirement to be a new beginning, not the beginning of the end.

So, this was my dilemma. I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do when I retire, but how can I create my fortune in such a short time$%:

Well, there is the lottery. Is that your retirement plan, winning the jackpot just before you retire$%: Of course, there is always a chance. But with the odds being greater than 1 out of 154,000,000 and 200 million other people trying to win, not much of a chance.

You could try the stock market, but remember the recent crash$%: The stock market is a time game. Fortunes are made with solid plans implemented over a period of many years - something I do not have. Do you$%:

Most millionaires are created through business. That is, owning your own business. But owning a business has it's own inherent risks and one of those risks involves huge sums of money. Money you do not have or cannot afford to lose. Running a business can also take huge amounts of energy, something that seems to come and go with age.

The key for a Baby Boomer is to find a business that you can create, with little or no money, can be done in your spare time, and does not drain you physically. It also has to offer the opportunity of making a lot of money in a relatively short period of time.

The Internet provides that kind of opportunity. The key is to find the right way to harness it. First, find something you really love. Then learn how to turn that into an income stream. Before you know it, the income is substantial and like mine, that dream of retirement is going to be a whole lot more real and obtainable.

My dilemma is well on the way to resolution. Is yours$%: Do you want it to be$%:

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